Saturday, April 30, 2005
sURE !!!!
again and consider what the author has to say ???
Thursday, April 21, 2005
DO Muslims believe in Jesus?
So we have a new Pontiff. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is now known as Pope Benedict XVI. Only a few days back a friend of mine asked me whom did I think would be the next Pope. Since I was unaware of the profiles of the most of the Preferati, my answer was that I had one fear and one hope. The fear I told him was that a conservative Pope would be elected who could later be used by the neocons to substantiate their claims on a crusade. What I hoped was that the new Pope would be reflective of the new multi-cultural realities of the world and hence a progressive soul encouraging pluralism. Unfortunately something closer to the former has finally materialised. Before I discuss my fears let me qualify to undertake such an appraisal. I am a Muslim and part of a Muslim’s doctrinal belief is the faith in Jesus as a Messiah and the Messenger of God and his Immaculate Conception. Hence you like it or not but Muslims are essential Christians.
OP-Ed, daily Nation, Lahore,Pakistan dated April 21,2005 ( a part of his article)