Saturday, April 30, 2005


sURE !!!!

I was "sure" friends in USA will listen to what Muslims' have to say about Jesus. Have you marked the last para of the comment?
again and consider what the author has to say ???

Thursday, April 21, 2005


DO Muslims believe in Jesus? Pluralism !
So we have a new Pontiff. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is now known as Pope Benedict XVI. Only a few days back a friend of mine asked me whom did I think would be the next Pope. Since I was unaware of the profiles of the most of the Preferati, my answer was that I had one fear and one hope. The fear I told him was that a conservative Pope would be elected who could later be used by the neocons to substantiate their claims on a crusade. What I hoped was that the new Pope would be reflective of the new multi-cultural realities of the world and hence a progressive soul encouraging pluralism. Unfortunately something closer to the former has finally materialised. Before I discuss my fears let me qualify to undertake such an appraisal. I am a Muslim and part of a Muslim’s doctrinal belief is the faith in Jesus as a Messiah and the Messenger of God and his Immaculate Conception. Hence you like it or not but Muslims are essential Christians.
OP-Ed, daily Nation, Lahore,Pakistan dated April 21,2005 ( a part of his article)


Democracy in Pakistan ??????

Will Asif Zardari's recent arrival in Pakistan help people to move to "real" democracy. His wife is silent for the time being while Pakistan President, General Musharraf, claims that PPP-P have to be kept on board as it is a 'progressive and liberal' political party? If this is the case then people fail to understand as to why Zaradari was not allowed to see his supporters at the Lahore airport ? Why this double face on either side?

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