Thursday, June 09, 2005


Parents be careful when you SEND your girls on trips!

. pic Posted by Hello Natalee Holloway ....

. The Latest Missing Girl ......

. Aruba Police Arrest 3 more in Missing of teen age student girl.

ORANJESTAD, Aruba - Aruban police arrested three men Thursday who acknowledged giving a ride to an Alabama teenager the night she disappeared on this Dutch Caribbean island, officials said.

The three, described by authorities earlier as witnesses and "persons of interest," had been released last week after being questioned about 18-year-old Natalee Holloway.
They told police they dropped off Holloway, of Mountain Brook, Ala., at her hotel in the early hours of May 30, but Holiday Inn employees say security cameras did not record her return.
Police also impounded a gray Honda car. Holloway's friends reported last seeing her leave a nightclub in a silver car.
"The three people have been arrested as suspects," chief government spokesman Ruben Trapenberg told The Associated Press. He did not elaborate.
Attorney General Caren Janssen said the three were arrested at 6 a.m. She refused to name them, but authorities previously described the three as students — two Surinamese brothers and the son of a Dutch justice official studying to be a judge.
The Dutch detainee, a student at Aruba International School, left his home in the middle-class Montana neighborhood of Oranjestad on Thursday with his head covered in a blue-and-green striped towel.
Police identified the Surinamese brothers only as Satish and Deepak K.
Janssen refused to say whether the three were connected to two former hotel security guards detained earlier in Holloway's disappearance. A judge ruled Wednesday there was sufficient cause to hold the two ex-guards.
The judge's decision means authorities could detain Nick John, 30, and Abraham Jones, 28, for nearly four months while prosecutors investigate possible murder and kidnapping charges, defense attorneys said. Neither man has been formally charged.
John's lawyer, Noriana Pietersz, said she spoke to her client in jail Thursday.
"I have decided not to demand the immediate release of my client," she said. "We prefer to let the prosecution investigate, confident that my client will be released by Wednesday" when a judge will decide whether to extend his detention.
Holloway vanished while on a five-day trip with 124 classmates and seven chaperones celebrating their high school graduation.
The night she disappeared, Holloway ate and danced at Carlos' n Charlie's bar and restaurant. She did not show up for her return flight hours later, and police found her passport in her hotel room with her packed bags.
Police and the FBI said a lack of any solid leads was hindering progress in their search for Holloway.
Authorities have not said Holloway was a victim of foul play and have not ruled out any possibilities, including that she may have drowned.
The Aruba government and local tourism organizations have offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to Holloway's rescue, her family and benefactors in Alabama have offered an additional $30,000, and Carlos' n Charlie's donated $5,000 — for a total of $55,000.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Is it sooooooooooooo? Advani

Lal Krishna Advani, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha and president of the BJP (Bharatya Janata Party), has resigned from his latter position within a day of returning to India from Pakistan. His resignation comes in the wake of bitter attacks on him by extreme rightwing Hindu groups, especially the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, which have accused him of shaming Hindutva by being soft on Pakistan during his visit here. Mr Advani has also, remarkably, been attacked by the Congress for calling the Quaid-e-Azam, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, a secular leader.

Pawns we are.....
This is with reference to Mr Riaz Jafri's letter published in the Nation on 30th May titled 'We 're helpless pawns'. Mr Jafri is living in a fool's paradise if he thinks our foreign policy has nothing to do with the desecration of the Holy Quran at the hands of the Americans. I would like him to refer to Mr M.A. Niazi's article published in this paper on 13th May. I would also like to add to Mr Jafri's knowledge that most of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay are those handed over by Pakistan.These prisoners were handed over unconditionally without any guarantees or assurances about their treatment. I recommend that Mr Jafri be more rational and informed.-MOEZ MOBEEN, Islamabad, via e-mail, June 6.


Who was Feroz Khan, a Muslim or a Parsi?

Rajiv and Sanjay Gandhi ... sons of a Muslim?
Indira was a convert .....
Was she Hindu or a Muslim?
..... decide yourself.
. One frequently hears that Rajiv Gandhi's grandfather was Pandit Nehru. But then we all know that everyone has two grandfathers, the paternal and the maternal grandfathers. In fact, the paternal grandfather is deemed to be the more important grandfather in most societies. Why is it then no where we find Rajiv Gandhi's paternal grandfather's name? It appears that the reason is simply this. Rajiv Gandhi's paternal grandfather was a Moslem gentleman from the Junagadh area of Gujarat. At the very beginning of his book, THE NEHRU DYNASTY, astrologer K.N.Rao mentions the names of Jawahar Lal's father and grandfather. Jawahar Lal's father was believed to be Moti Lal and Moti Lal's father was one Gangadhar Nehru. And we all know that Jawahar Lal's only daughter was Indira Priyadarshini Nehru; Kamala Nehru was her mother, who died in Switzerland of tuberculosis. She was totally against Indira's proposed marriage with Feroze.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Two roses. How beautiful. Posted by Hello


A Day keeps going on EVEN if You don't like. A review.

A Day keeps going on EVEN if You don't like. A review.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Fazal passes away ... a great cricketer we will miss

Ah, a great cricketer passes away !
.........IN Fazal Mahmood, who died in Lahore on Monday, Pakistan has lost one of its most glittering stars on the cricketing firmament. We all will miss him.


A view on Kashmir ...where to go?

"Kashmir struggle" ...... ...... ..

MR M. P. Bhandara has spoken his mind boldly (Dawn April 30 and May 10). One craves for a Pakistani counterpart of the former diplomat and journalist Kuldip Nayyar or an Indian member of parliament who, like Mr Bhandara, could write similarly about the case and stakes of Pakistan and the Kashmiris in the Kashmir issue in any leading Indian daily to make it a two-way flow of ideas. Thanks to Dawn for publishing the views of Mr H. N. Akhtar (May 4) and Mr Khalid Hasan (May 5 and 16) in which they have taken note of and responded to the views of Mr Kuldip Nayyar and Mr Bhandara.When Congress leaders felt frustrated by Mr Jinnah in their programme of keeping India united without reservations/guarantees about the rights of the Muslim minority, they half-heartedly conceded a truncated Pakistan. Nevertheless, the Congress and Hindu Mahasabha vowed in their resolutions of June 1947 to strive for reunification of India. Besides other measures, they planned to occupy the Jammu and Kashmir state to control their defence parameters and the rivers of Pakistan. Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Vallabhai Patel played their role in collaboration with Lord Mountbatten to achieve this national goal. These are recorded facts of history.So, holding on to the J&K state to harm Pakistan is a national policy of India, which has religiously been pursued by all Indian governments. Having used the military option in 1971 to cut Pakistan to its present size, they are now feverishly busy in constructing dams on three rivers of Pakistan in occupied Kashmir to economically strangulate us.India is exploiting the post 9/11 scenario. Mr Advani, then deputy premier of the BJP government, had dashed to Washington to offer India’s services to strengthen US-Israeli partnership which was happily accepted. This boosted the pride and arrogance of the new Indian nationalists committed to Hindutva. This is evident from India’s attitude and response to Pakistan’s peace overtures and flexibility. The people in Pakistan feel that now the US and India are hand in glove to thrust an Indian solution on Pakistan and the Kashmiris. It seems Pakistan is being intimidated, which is evident from its consistent caving in on the Kashmir issue, which has created doubts and a feeling of concern and disappointment among Kashmiris who have given more sacrifices for freedom from India than Congress workers during the “Quit India movement” against the British.Like many freedom struggles in the past, the Kashmiris’ resistance movement attracted the bona fide support and sympathy on personal or ideological grounds of some individuals and NGOs. These people numbered in their dozens and mostly belonged to ethnic Kashmiris of Pakistan and AJ&K. Mr Bhandara says Pakistan usurped the Kashmiris’ freedom struggle by “terrorism”, encouraging religious zealots and unemployed Afghans, Arabs and Pakistani “mercenaries” to take over the liberation struggle. Would Mr Bhandara say that some people of other nationalities who joined the Indian National Army (INA) of Subhash Chandra Bose were mercenaries and terrorists and that they took over the INA? Had he visited any graveyard in Srinagar and seen the tomb-stones there, he would have come to know about their identification. Molested and widowed women and orphaned children of occupied Kashmir have not been exported / infiltrated from Pakistan. They are Kashmiris living on the soil of their motherland.Mr Bhandara is wrong when he says that only Pakistan supported the Taliban. Pakistan recognized and supported them when even the US was going to do the same if they had accepted American conditions. Moreover, Saudi Arabia and the UAE (with which India has vast economic affiliations) also supported the Taliban. They had complete control over Kabul and 90 per cent of Afghan territory. Additionally, there was the Pushtoon factor which Pakistan could not overlook. By the way, were the Taliban worse than the RSS and VHP zealots?Every state in the world admits Kashmir to be a disputed territory. There is a lot of sympathy and support for the just cause of the Kashmiris in the world as evidenced by the recent EU Commission’s report and statements in many public forums in many countries.How can the Kashmiris accomplish the mission of their martyrs with scores of parties and groups? Can’t their leaders shed their personal egos and ambitions for the sake of their motherland? It is the clarion call of this critical juncture that all freedom-loving Kashmiri leaders should unite on one platform and struggle for their just cause. No power will be able to overlook or bypass their united demands. There is no substitute to unity. That is the only way to success. Otherwise, they and their people will be doomed and history will not forgive them.KHAWAJA MUHAMMAD BASHIR BUTT Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir .... daily Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan 6/01/2005


Is Osama in Pakistan ? writes K. Hassan

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Musharraf may not know, but Osama’s in Pakistan ........
By Khalid Hasan
WASHINGTON: Gary Schroen, the CIA officer who has just published a book on his exploits in Afghanistan, says Osama Bin Laden is in Pakistan but President Pervez Musharraf may not know it and may not even want to know.According to the CIA veteran, “I can only speculate, but it is based on almost 20 years of dealing with the Pakistani military and ISI officers. I think at some level, probably the colonel level, there are officers probably in ISI who know where Bin Laden is at.”A report by CNN says Schroen, after being shipped to Afghanistan following 9/11, was asked by his boss Cofer Black that he wanted “Bin Laden’s head shipped back in a box filled with dry ice.” Schroen’s book ‘First In: an insider’s account of how the CIA spearheaded the war on terror in Afghanistan’ has been described as “riveting.” He claims to have developed two plans to capture or kill Bin Laden, once in 1998 and then a year later. Both were turned down by CIA and the White House.Schroen’s Afghan mission was codenamed ‘Jawbreaker’ and met rapid success in helping to topple the Taliban, using cash, contacts and air strikes coordinated by the CIA and US Special Forces. When Tora Bora was attacked, Bin Laden fled to Pakistan. Asked where Bin Laden is today, Schroen said, “He’s hiding in Pakistan in the northern tribal areas above Peshawar - an area that is rugged, hilly, heavily forested. The US government and the US military are not authorised by the Musharraf government to enter there unilaterally.”The former CIA operative is of the view that instead of going into the area north of Peshawar, Pakistani forces made the mistake of going into South Waziristan. The campaign was a failure. “They did get clobbered heavily,” Schroen says of the Pakistani forces. “I think they knew that Bin Laden wasn’t there, and therefore they would be able to arrest a few Al Qaeda operatives and make us happy.”According to CNN, Schroen believes Musharraf not only doesn’t know where Bin Laden is, but he doesn’t want to know, afraid of the internal political consequences of finding him. That’s because, Schroen thinks, Pakistan’s northern tribal areas would explode upon news of the death or capture of Bin Laden. “I think the philosophy of the Taliban, this fundamentalist view, is popular there. So Bin Laden, I think, strikes them as heroic. He fought a jihad against the Russians, and he’s bloodied America’s nose time and again.” He believes that regardless of how much reward money America offers, Bin Laden would not be captured and handed in. “As long as he stays in place, it is going to be almost impossible to find him.”Schroen’s view is at odds with information found in documents released under the Freedom of Information Act to Associated Press, according to which, a large number of Al Qaeda, Taliban and other suspects, many of them innocent, were sold to the Americans by Pakistanis and Afghans for cash.Another key job for the United States, Schroen says, is to figure out a way to find the right incentive for Musharraf to hunt harder for Al Qaeda’s leaders. One major step is for the Pakistani President to get more answers from inside his own military and intelligence establishment. “A man of that caliber (Bin Laden) could not be hidden out for that many years without word getting out in the community. So, I think some people probably know within ISI and the military,” says Schroen.

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